It’s Here! Our 2020-2021 Season!

We are living through extraordinary times of global complexity, uncertainty, and a sea of question marks within many sectors. 

As live event makers, we create the unexpected, we respond in the immediate, we investigate community building in new ways that are still heartwarming, eye opening, challenging, and subversive. Artists create beauty and we create opportunities to reflect and we create moments of communal laughter and joy.

Our question for this, our 13th season, in the midst of a pandemic and a revolution dismantling white supremacy is “How do we share our humanity now?”  Please join us on this journey.

Thank you for believing in Zee Zee and the arts as a force for positive change.

The Season:

Family Drag Brunch & Dress-Up

Curated by Dave Deveau & Cameron Mackenzie
October 4, 2020, 11am via Zoom
Part of Transform: A Cabaret Festival
Presented with the Cultch & Urban Ink

With DJ O Show
Featuring Celestial Seasons, Jaylene Tyme, Karmella Barr, Thanks Jem
Hosted by Isolde N. Barron & Peach Cobblah

TERF Wars & Transgressions

by JD Derbyshire & Dave Deveau
In consultation with Jessie Anderson & Morgane Oger
October 25, 2020 3 pm via Zoom (Reading)
April 2021 (Workshop)

Featuring JD Derbyshire, Andrew McIlroy, Deborah Williams

Trans Scripts, Part I: The Women

by Paul Lucas
November 14, 2020, 7 pm Streaming Online
Part of Trans Awareness Week
Originally produced with the frank theatre
in association with the Firehall Arts Centre

Quarantine at the Elbow Room

by Dave Deveau
Based on Elbow Room Café: The Musical by Dave Deveau & Anton Lipovetsky
December 12, 2020 on Zoom
Presented with The Cultch

Virtual Humanity

curated by Zee Zee Theatre
Inspired the Human Library created by Stop The Violence (Copenhagen)
March 2021 via Zoom

On Tour:

Home is A Drag

by Dave Deveau & Cameron Mackenzie
(On Virtual Tour)

Part of Children’s Festivals, Conferences, and Pride Celebrations throughout the year including Campbell River Pride, Burnaby Pride, Pender Island Price, Nutrient Children’s Festival (Saskatoon), BC Teachers’ Federation Conference

Parents Are A Drag

by Dave Deveau & Cameron Mackenzie
Touring (maybe) Spring 2021
Originally commissioned by the Vancouver International Children’s Festival

In Development:

Cool Moms

by Charlee Sideen aka Thanks Jem
A new Zee Zee commission

Launching Summer 2021

A National Queer & Trans Virtual Playwriting Unit

A Zee Zee Theatre initiative in partnership with:
Gwaandak Theatre (Whitehorse)
The Frank Theatre (Vancouver)
Theatre Outré (Lethbridge)
Theatre Projects Manitoba (Winnipeg)
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (Toronto)
Native Earth Performing Arts (Toronto)
Imago Theatre (Montreal)
Neptune Theatre (Halifax)

Season art by Isa Rodrigues

20/21 Season Launch & AGM

With DJ Slade

September 13th, 2020, via Zoom meeting link

Official AGM 5:00-5:30pm  

Season Launch 5:30-6pm ish

Join us for a Locktail Hour, Annual General (aka GLAMOUR) Meeting and show off YOUR lock-down glamour while we report on the financial statements.

Maybe it’s your fave mask, maybe it’s the giant necklace you put on over your PJ’s for those 8 am Zoom meetings.

Let’s enjoy those quaratinis together apart enjoying the soothing soulful sounds of DJ Slade, while looking back at 2019 and toward the future of 2021.

And this AGM is a special one!  We’ll be amending our society bylaws.  

The following business will be considered by the membership:

  1. Acceptance of agenda (motion required).
  2. Approval of minutes of 2019 AGM (motion required).
  3. Approval of Amendment to Society Bylaws (motion required)
  4. Report by management to the members (financial statements will be presented).
  5. Election of directors of the Society.
  6. Any further information respecting the society required by the bylaws or the regulations.


Another East Van Garden Party

Not your ordinary garden party!


4843 Sophia Street
Tickets $

You’re invited to join friends and family of Zee Zee Theatre for our second, now annual Garden Party in support of Zee Zee’s upcoming season! 

Hosted by award-winning local actor and playwright, Deborah Williams, in her stunning backyard, with special appearances by the effervescent drag duo Isolde N. Baron and Peach Cobblah. If you enjoyed this last year you’ll love it this year. 

In 2018 we commissioned the creations of TERF Wars: a dark, comedic, political “gender intervention” by acclaimed playwrights JD Derbyshire & Dave Deveau wrestling trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) politics.

We are gathering again, around the creation of this show, for an evening with social and political bite.  We will put into practise Zee Zee’s mission to tell our small stories, to have unique and provocative conversations, and to build connection with our surrounding community in order to inspire unity in shared human experience, and we want you to be part of it.

Come hear the next phase in the script’s development, and let it fuel an inquisitive conversation with cocktails in hand. 

This is a fundraiser to support Zee Zee’s next season, and the development of important stories like TERF Wars. We need to reach our goal of $7,500 by the end of the evening to make our season possible–we hope you’ll join us for important conversation, delicious refreshments and food, compelling storytelling all in support of art that brings us together in shared human experience.

Newest Addition



Coming to us as a Bachelors of Business Administration candidate at Simon Fraser University, Gladys is an energetic, ambitious individual who is always looking for a new challenge. Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver, she embraces her diverse cultural experiences. Most recently she was the Marketing and Communication Development Strategist at Seniors Come Share Society.  In her free time, she enjoys playing the guitar, singing, dancing and participating in pottery making. Her lifetime goal is to travel around the World to explore different cultures, people and food. Gladys’ favourite discussion topics include philosophy, politics and history. Her goal at Zee Zee is to be a part of the journey to “foster common understanding and empathy across our diverse human experiences”.

19/20 Season Launch & AGM

Friday September 20, 2019, The Emerald Supper Club

What’s better than a stuffy, business-as-usual AGM? The weird and wonderful way Zee Zee Theatre does it. Welcome to your favourite new tradition: the Annual Glamour Meeting. Part society business, part season sneak peek, part drag show, all in good fun.

Hosted by:
Comedy badass Cheyenne Rouleau
& East Van’s Cheapest Date Peach Cobblah

And featuring:
Cameron Mackenzie Deveau
Quanah Napoleon
Celestial Seasons
Jan Derbyshire
Morgane Oger
Jessie Anderson
Dave Mackenzie Deveau
And the unstoppable board of Zee Zee Theatre!

6:30pm cocktails and canapés

7pm Annual General Meeting

7:30pm Season announcement and dinner

And it wouldn’t be a party without a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, and we don’t just mean the brilliant new work we’re bringing to the stage this season. But you’ll have to be there to find out!

Tickets (in advance or $10 at the door) includes a one year membership to Zee Zee.

East Van Garden Party Social

May 11, 2019, 4843 Sophia Street
Tickets $25

You’re invited to join friends and family of Zee Zee Theatre for an early evening Garden Party in support of Zee Zee’s upcoming season!

Hosted by award-winning local actor and playwright, Deborah Williams, with special appearances by the effervescent drag duo Isolde N. Baron and Peach Cobblah, this will not be your ordinary garden party.

As part of Zee Zee’s 2019/2020 season, we’re proud to be introducing the first phase of TERF Wars: a dark, comedic, political “gender intervention” by acclaimed playwrights JD Derbyshire & Dave Deveau wrestling trans-exclusionary radical feminst (TERF) politics, which asks the question “what does it mean to be a woman?”. In keeping with Zee Zee’s mission is to tell small stories with big impact; to have unique and provocative conversations with diverse audiences, and build connection with our surrounding community in order to inspire unity in shared human experience–this evening will have social and political bite, and we want you to be part of it.

This is a fundraiser to support Zee Zee’s next season, and the development of important stories like TERF Wars. We need to reach our goal of $8,000 by the end of the evening to make our season possible–we hope you’ll join us for important conversation, delicious refershments and food, compelling storytelling all in support of art that brings us together in shared human experience.

18/19 Season Launch & AGM

Saturday October 13, 2018, XY Nightclub

Join us for our annual Drag Annual General Meeting and Season Launch Party! As we enter our eleventh season, we have a huge lineup of incredible work in development and signature Zee Zee productions to offer. Plus who doesn’t like drag queens doing financials?