News & Events

Zee Zee Theatre is inviting submissions for our upcoming production of Men Express Their Feelings By Sunny Drake CREATIVE TEAM: Director: Cameron Mackenzie Stage Manager: Jenny Kim Creative Consultant: Paneet…

21/22 Season Launch & AGM
September 18th, 2021 The Cultch’s Historic Theatre, 1895 Venables St Official AGM 5:15pm-5:45pm Season Launch 6:00pm-6:45pm OMG WE’RE LIVE! Welcome back to your favourite tradition: our Annual Glamour Meeting. Part…

It’s Here! Our 2020-2021 Season!
We are living through extraordinary times of global complexity, uncertainty, and a sea of question marks within many sectors. As live event makers, we create the unexpected, we respond in…

20/21 Season Launch & AGM
With DJ Slade September 13th, 2020, via Zoom meeting link Official AGM 5:00-5:30pm Season Launch 5:30-6pm ish Join us for a Locktail Hour, Annual General (aka GLAMOUR) Meeting and show off…

Raffle Sold Out!
Thanks to all those who participated in Zee Zee’s Annual Fundraising Raffle. And congratulations to this year’s winners: Jamie Watson (runner up prize), and Kelly Barker (Grand Prize!!). A huge…

Another East Van Garden Party
Not your ordinary garden party! POSTPONED 4843 Sophia StreetTickets $30 You’re invited to join friends and family of Zee Zee Theatre for our second, now annual Garden Party in support…

CISSY by Dave Deveau Book Launch!
POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO COVID-19 We are thrilled to announce that Playwright in Residence Dave Deveau has his first collection of plays being published by Talonbooks. CISSY: Three…

Newest Addition
PLEASE MEET OUR NEWEST MEMBER OF THE TEAM INTRODUCING ZEE ZEE’S DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS MANAGER: GLADYS KWOK Coming to us as a Bachelors of Business Administration candidate at Simon Fraser University,…

19/20 Season Launch & AGM
Friday September 20, 2019, The Emerald Supper Club What’s better than a stuffy, business-as-usual AGM? The weird and wonderful way Zee Zee Theatre does it. Welcome to your favourite new…

East Van Garden Party Social
Join us May 11th for our first East Van garden party social.